The Cross
A Bride Adorned for the Bridegroom
Being the Bride of Christ has everything to do with one’s identification with the One who is “acquainted with sorrows,” and it is through being joined with Him in the fellowship of His sufferings that we are fitted for our bridal role.
And They Crucified Him
In the final analysis, unless we know ‘Christ and Him crucified,’ our knowledge of God will be false. Probably Art’s most powerful speaking on the subject of the Cross. Message has Dutch translation.
Baptized unto Death
Speaking from Romans 6, Art maintains that the cross alone liberates the believer from the subtleties of self – but only if we join Him in death and burial.
Beyond Categories
How far will we allow God draw us out into a place where the ultimate revelation of Himself and His truth is? If we cling to our “biblical correctness,” and the security of it, we will always fall short of that place of glory.
Caesar and Christ: A Study of Two Deaths
An evangelistic message that heightens an appreciation for the atonement of Christ in the shedding of His blood.
Christ our Life (1 of 2)
Rather than establishing our life on the basis of our own natural endowments, our gifting, our intellect, Art suggests that there is another Life that is made available for those who sincerely desire to disown their own.
Christ our Life (2 of 2)
Rather than establishing our life on the basis of our own natural endowments, our gifting, our intellect, Art suggests that there is another Life that is made available for those who sincerely desire to disown their own.
Christus Victor!
Jesus came to destroy the works of the Devil, and it was what was demonstrated at the Cross that is His triumph over the whole demonic realm.
FREN-04 La Vie de la Mort
English Title: Life from the Dead
From Death to Life
Art insists that the life of God has its origin only out of death, but how many of us shrink from the death of the Cross in order to obtain that life?
From Self to Spirit
The human condition is intrinsically rooted in egocentric living.
GER-16 Israel und das Kreuz
English Title: Israel and the Cross
God Crucified
The Cross stabbingly set forth before men as the pivot of all reality.
God is Other!
Examines mankind’s failure to recognize in the crucifixion of God the very demonstration of His essential character, namely, His humility. A must for those who might be contemplating ministry.
Heart Circumcision
Art gets right to the issue of our self-life and God’s provision for the ending of its sap and vitality. A 1973 message.
Humility in Life
An insight into the foundational character of God Himself being wrought in those in union with Him.
Isaiah 53
Though clearly Messianic in its prophetic significance, the context of this passage reveals yet another valid interpretation, namely, the nation Israel in a future fulfillment as the “suffering, servant nation.”
Israel and Water Baptism
The deliverance of Israel in the Last Days waits on a people who have appropriated the Cross in its true meaning – at the waters of Baptism.
Israel the Suffering Servant
Using the text of Isaiah 53, Art makes a clear and powerful statement establishing the crucifixion of Jesus as being the heart of all reality, being the deepest revelation of God Himself, and then makes the application for the nation of Israel, also to be His servant-son.
Israel’s Calvary Road and the Role of the Church
Art insists that God’s wisdom is based on a necessary suffering and humiliation that precedes the glory and exaltation of the nation Israel. Art’s last and one of his most profound speakings on the subject of Israel and the Church. A 2006 message.