Online Resources

The Cross

Peace be unto you!

A message from John 20: 19-31 for a fearful and unbelieving Christianity that does not understand the phenomenon of resurrection.

Psalm 51 – The Sinfulness of Sin

A thought-provoking examination of the nature and power of sin in mankind. Art at his best.

Psalm 51 and Repentance (1 of 2)

An episode in King David’s life that profits and instructs future generations in a way that no other psalm has more deeply revealed the nature of sin, the mercy of God, repentance and atonement.

Psalm 51 and Repentance (2 of 2)

Part 2 of K-320


Lazarus’ resurrection is the topic of this life-giving word providing an alternative to impetuous shortcuts that refuse to wait.

Resurrection Life

Art maintains that resurrection is more than a doctrine, and ought to be a daily experience, moment by moment.

Resurrection Life (1 of 2)

Art covers some key points in understanding the resurrection life of a believer – especially the basis for which that Life is given: namely, when the Lord has total possession of that vessel. A 1995 message.

Resurrection Life (2 of 2)

Art covers some key points in understanding the resurrection life of a believer – especially the basis for which that Life is given: namely, when the Lord has total possession of that vessel. A 1995 message.

Sell all your Possessions (1 of 2)

Art puts before the Church the totality of God’s requirement of renunciation in order to enter the gifts and privileges of eternal life.

Sell all your Possessions (2 of 2)

Art puts before the Church the totality of God’s requirement of renunciation in order to enter the gifts and privileges of eternal life.

Sin and Atonement

Another piercing examination of the anatomy of sin and of what God was required to do in order to expiate it.

Submission unto Death

Speaking from the episode of Lazarus’ resurrection, Art urges a willing submission to the processes of “death” by which all that inheres in our self-life may be purified.

The Anatomy of Cross Evasion

A call for a return to the Cross – the most epochal event in the whole of history, and indeed, the heart of the faith itself.

The Anatomy of Resurrection

How we view the reality of resurrection, and its implied union with God, will determine whether our lives will be a glory to God. A 1992 message.

The Apostolic Heart

Speaking out of an episode in the life of Paul, Art gives a glimpse into the apostolic mindset, pattern and glory at the heart of which is the cross of suffering.

The Believer’s Relationship to the Law

An examination of why any attempt by man in his own effort to bring righteousness into his life is a contradiction of what Jesus died for, thus nullifying the grace of God. Message has a communion prayer in the middle.

The Cross and the Eunuch (1 of 2)

A particularly powerful message from 1979 on the Cross whereby Art cuts through the false ideas we might have about the meaning of “death to self.” Like the eunuch, we will know when we have come to the cross in truth because it will stop the ongoing vitality and flow of our natural life.

The Cross and the Eunuch (2 of 2)

Part 2 of K-310

The Cross in Communion

Speaking from Mark 9, Art gives a prophetic setting for the Last Days whereby the believer is encouraged to a place of true and continuing devotion for God’s sake in order to be that final witness to Israel in their extremity.

The Cross in Gethsemane

Art probes the meaning of Gethsemane for the Church, noting that the first drops of blood were voluntarily given by Jesus at Gethsemane before they were extracted from Him by man at the Cross.