The Cross
The Cross in Isaiah 53
The task of rightly interpreting this key text is crucial for the Church in its witness to Israel – especially in the Last Days.
The Cross in Psalm 51
King David leaves for us a statement of the most profound repentance ever expressed in Scripture
The Cross of Christ (1 of 3)
A younger Art Katz powerful sets forth of the Cross of Christ, pointing believers away from the superficial and insufficient answers of today and back to the one true source of life and truth: the revelation of the crucified God.
The Cross of Christ (2 of 3)
A younger Art Katz powerful sets forth of the Cross of Christ, pointing believers away from the superficial and insufficient answers of today and back to the one true source of life and truth: the revelation of the crucified God.
The Cross of Christ (3 of 3)
A younger Art Katz powerful sets forth of the Cross of Christ, pointing believers away from the superficial and insufficient answers of today and back to the one true source of life and truth: the revelation of the crucified God.
The Crucifixion of God (1 of 2)
Another all-time classic on the Cross. Art insists that it is the Cross, more than anything else, that reveals God in the way He wants to be known. The humiliation of the Cross therefore contradicts so much of the macho contemporary Christianity. A 1995 message.
The Crucifixion of God (2 of 2)
Another all-time classic on the Cross. Art insists that it is the Cross, more than anything else, that reveals God in the way He wants to be known. The humiliation of the Cross therefore contradicts so much of the macho contemporary Christianity. A 1995 message.
The Crucifixion of Jesus (1 of 2)
An examination of the most epochal event in the history of mankind, yet the most misunderstood in both the church and the secular world.
The Crucifixion of Jesus (2 of 2)
An examination of the most epochal event in the history of mankind, yet the most misunderstood in both the church and the secular world.
The Necessity of the Cross
Unless we see what is required to save us from an eternal Hell, then we will not understand how far God will go to ransom a person or a nation (Israel).
The Rejection of God
The very heart of sin is the rejection of God and the glory of God, especially in the form that God chose to reveal Himself in the advent, crucifixion and death of His Son.
The Schiavo Case – A Conflict of Life
A resurrection message in which Art sets forth the unique difference between the resurrection life of God in comparison with the human, natural, and religious (and lesser) equivalent. A 2005 message.
The Spirit of Life
Art encourages us to discern the difference between a well-wishing, conventional Christianity and a life lived for the glory of God.
The Tree of Life
An anecdotal message on what it means to live from the tree of life. An early ministry message.
The Veil of Self
Art maintains that we can be believers without knowing that the power of our self-life hides the face of God from us.
The Wisdom of the Cross
Art points out that God chooses what He chooses in order to make a statement about Himself, and that He reveals Himself by His choices. Not surprisingly, those choices contradict all that mankind applauds and celebrates as wisdom. A 1995 message.
A look at Christian life from the perspective of our necessary weakness and inability.