Audio Messages by Theme
The speakings of Art Katz available as streaming and downloadable MP3s.
The Church and the Synagogue (3 of 4)
A thought-provoking examination of Paul’s exhortation to Gentile believers in Rome with regard to their relationship to the Synagogue.
The Church and the Synagogue (4 of 4)
A thought-provoking examination of Paul’s exhortation to Gentile believers in Rome with regard to their relationship to the Synagogue.
The Church as a Prophetic Presence
Elijah the prophet typifies and sums up the prophetic
The Church Eternal
The Church is not a new phenomenon, but a continuation of what was given from the beginning in its full Hebraic content.
The Church, Israel and the Powers
A statement that unmasks the enmity of the world against God, but it is disguised so well that even the church is dulled to the depths of this hatred.
The Coming Crisis
A message spoken in New York, the very heart of Jewish life, that forewarns of coming devastation for the Jews of that city.
The Compassion of God
The issue of mercy, not as an exertion of the moment, but what we are through and through is the thing that God is after in the Church.
The Conflict of Two Wisdoms (1 of 2)
There are only two essential mind-sets or value systems in the world – God’s and that displayed by the powers of the air.
The Conflict of Two Wisdoms (2 of 2)
There are only two essential mind-sets or value systems in the world – God’s and that displayed by the powers of the air.
The Consummation of Israel and the Church
Speaking from Ezekiel 37, Art shares some of his deepest thoughts on the mystery of Israel. A 1993 message.
The Context of the Coming Kingdom
We either have an urgent expectancy of a coming, literal Kingdom on earth or we are in one way or another establishing our own little kingdom.
The Core of Prophetic and Apostolic Reality
Another expression of this theme that tries to capture the heart and meaning of those two great biblical words and their corresponding reality
The Cosmic Conflict
An examination of the role of the powers of the air in the final unleashing of their hatred to destroy Israel at the end of the age. Art identities the role of the church at that time.
The Cosmic Setting
The faith is set in the context of a cosmic perspective, presently so lacking in the understanding of contemporary church life.
The Cost of Discipleship
A radically searching commentary on Acts 16 in which Art speaks on the Spirit-led life from episodes in the life of Paul the Apostle.
The Cross and the Eunuch (1 of 2)
A particularly powerful message from 1979 on the Cross whereby Art cuts through the false ideas we might have about the meaning of “death to self.” Like the eunuch, we will know when we have come to the cross in truth because it will stop the ongoing vitality and flow of our natural life.
The Cross and the Eunuch (2 of 2)
Part 2 of K-310
The Cross in Communion
Speaking from Mark 9, Art gives a prophetic setting for the Last Days whereby the believer is encouraged to a place of true and continuing devotion for God’s sake in order to be that final witness to Israel in their extremity.
The Cross in Gethsemane
Art probes the meaning of Gethsemane for the Church, noting that the first drops of blood were voluntarily given by Jesus at Gethsemane before they were extracted from Him by man at the Cross.
The Cross in Isaiah 53
The task of rightly interpreting this key text is crucial for the Church in its witness to Israel – especially in the Last Days.