Online Resources

Audio Messages by Theme

The speakings of Art Katz available as streaming and downloadable MP3s.

The Fear of Man

Fearing men more than God is a plague affecting God’s people. A marvelously freeing word for those who are bound.

The Fire of God’s Judgment

A powerful cry of God to sound the trumpet call of repentance in the light of His soon coming judgment with a fire that cannot be quenched.

The Formation of an Apostle

An episode out of the life of Moses that would give him the ability to lead Israel through the wilderness, namely, the ability to communicate God as God.

The Fullness of the Gentiles

Much that is lacking in the Church can be attributed to the failure to understand or apprehend the mysteries of God, including the mystery of Israel.

The Fullness of the Gentiles (1 of 2)

An overview of the drama of the Last Days that waits upon the fullness of the Gentiles coming in – so that all Israel might be saved, just as it is written.

The Fullness of the Gentiles (2 of 2)

Art expounds further on what that fullness is in relation to this entity called Zion from which Israel’s deliverance shall come.

The Gentile and the Jew

We don’t know as we ought the depth of antagonism that exists between Gentile and Jew. Art seeks to show what God’s final and enduring pattern for these two entities is.

The God who Devastates

If Divine reality is to come into the church in its present unreal condition, then we need to expect devastations in our midst of the deepest and challenging kind. The text is from the suffering of Job.

The Gospel & Interfaith Dialogue

Challenging the accepted and popular assumptions that there are three great “faiths”, Art insists on the absoluteness of the gospel of Christ as the basis for true faith in the one true God.

The Gospel and the Righteousness of God

Art shows that salvation is essentially bringing to the unrighteous the righteousness of God, an extending of God’s very essence to the undeserving.

The Gospel to the Jew First

Speaking from Romans 1:16, Art maintains there is a divine wisdom and priority to take the gospel to the Jew first before it is taken to the Gentile.

The Holiness of God (1 of 2)

Maintaining that God’s holiness values itself above one’s own consideration and is therefore self-sacrificing, Art exhorts believers toward maintaining a jealousy for this holiness, as it will affect our every decision.

The Holiness of God (2 of 2)

Maintaining that God’s holiness values itself above one’s own consideration and is therefore self-sacrificing, Art exhorts believers toward maintaining a jealousy for this holiness, as it will affect our every decision.

The Holocaust (1 of 4)

In this examination of that ultimate tragedy, the issue of God as God is brought courageously to the forefront of our modern consideration.

The Holocaust (2 of 4)

In this examination of that ultimate tragedy, the issue of God as God is brought courageously to the forefront of our modern consideration.

The Holocaust (3 of 4)

In this examination of that ultimate tragedy, the issue of God as God is brought courageously to the forefront of our modern consideration.

The Holocaust (4 of 4)

In this examination of that ultimate tragedy, the issue of God as God is brought courageously to the forefront of our modern consideration.

The Holocaust and Christian Conscience

This message relates the Holocaust to the historical rejection of God. A vital and challenging message for the Jewish people as well as the Church.

The Holocaust and the Knowledge of God

Art seeks to answer why mankind has a deep aversion to knowing God, and why mankind has a preference to seek a substitute for God, even a religious substitute, whom he likes to call “God”. A 1995 message.

The Holocaust as God’s Judgment (1 of 2)

Art asserts that if we fail to examine the root cause of the Holocaust from a biblical point of view, we assure ourselves of being victims of yet future Holocausts. A different speaking to the K-301 to K-303 series. A 1995 message.