TV Show Part 12 Joseph & Revelation
Tuesday, August 23rd, 2011The audio messages from the Ben Israel TV show, Raleigh, NC in 1973. Co-hosts Art Katz and Paul Gordon. Each message 25 minutes long.
On Interpreting Scripture
Thursday, May 8th, 2008The Bible is another kind of literature. It is utterly unique. I have been a reader all my life long, but there is nothing like the Scripture for conveying depths of meaning in so few words. The scriptures are terse, compact, and intense, and that puts a great demand upon us to draw out the […]
Beyond Categories
Wednesday, March 26th, 2008The Lord is looking for a virginal first-fruits company that will follow the Lamb withersoever He goes, and in these last days, this ‘withersoever’ is going to bring us to places we never could have imagined and where we ourselves would balk, like Peter when he said, “Let this be far from You, Lord.”
Revelation 21: “The City of God”
Saturday, March 1st, 2008The union of heaven and earth creating one new entity of an enduring kind.
The Lord’s Coming in the Clouds
Thursday, February 7th, 2008Without in any way questioning the literalness of this eschatological glory, I suspect, as is often the case, that it contains an allegorical and spiritual meaning as well perhaps a necessary principle pertaining to the coming of any revelation of the Lord in fullness: namely, a ‘coming’ or revelation of the Lord that must, somehow of necessity, be preceded or accompanied by ‘clouds.’