Sanctified unto a Bride
Thursday, December 9th, 2010One of Art’s best expositions of Psalm102 in which he shows how the mysteries of the faith come together in a final fulfillment of the church’s bridal purity that allows the Lord to be Israel’s Deliverer. A 2005 milestone message!
Sorrow and Anguish
Thursday, December 9th, 2010Drawing from Psalm 102, Art maintains that we are too dry-eyed for the lost and needy because we do not share the heart of God and the sorrow He has for those He created in His own image.
Psalm 102: The Set Time to Favor Zion
Friday, November 12th, 2010Art makes the point that the Lord’s coming as Deliverer for Israel waits upon a condition of being in the church, requiring a transfiguration in the church, thus releasing the Lord to act in behalf of Israel.
Israel and the Church in Psalm 102
Thursday, November 4th, 2010Speaking from Psalm 102, Art examines what it means to show compassion for Israel’s fallen and destitute condition that God will bring that nation to. Another expression from the inexhaustible theme of Israel and the Church in the Last Days.