Online Resources

Deep Calling Unto Deep

Wednesday, March 12th, 2008

I have long suspected that the deepest issues that are at the root of strife and division in the Body of Christ are not at the level of doctrine. Doctrine is often employed as the subterfuge beneath which the real issues of fear, insecurity and mistrust are too often concealed.

The Origin of True Preaching

Saturday, March 1st, 2008

How do we know whether the preached word has its origin in God? A brief commentary from Jeremiah 23 reveals where in fact this word must come from.

The Prophetic Word

Saturday, March 1st, 2008

With the general debasing of language and the preached word in particular, Art examines the meaning of the preached word as an ‘event’ that actually effects something in the purposes of God.

Preachers of Righteousness

Wednesday, February 13th, 2008

I believe that God wants to make a statement concerning the phenomenon of the preached word, not only for those who are responsible for bringing the word of God, but also for the whole church at large.