Online Resources

Messianic or Hebraic?

Friday, April 25th, 2008

A Critique of the Messianic Movement There are large segments of the essentially Gentile church that are a little mystified by the Messianic movement.  They do not know quite how to assess it, how it fits in, and how it relates to what they are about.  This message is more of an exploratory word, and […]

The Church’s Mandate to their Nation

Saturday, April 5th, 2008

  An edited version of a transcribed message by Art Katz, given to a Messianic congregation in Tel Aviv, Israel in March 2002.   The church in every nation has an obligation to represent something of God to the nation itself, to bring a particular perspective to the nation’s consciousness, which for the lack of a […]

Messianic Conference Report: The Morning After

Monday, March 17th, 2008

Again, I had the strange sense of being entirely “out of it” in the midst of a whole congregation, mostly women, greatly moved to dance in the aisles and on the platform.  They were playing loud, recorded Israeli-type music whose lyrics were shown overhead.  Meanwhile the kippur and tallis-wearing ‘rabbi’ intones appropriate solemnities and incitements […]

Isaiah 53

Saturday, March 1st, 2008

Though clearly Messianic in its prophetic significance, the context of this passage reveals yet another valid interpretation, namely, the nation Israel in a future fulfillment as the “suffering, servant nation.”

Beyond Messianic Judaism

Saturday, March 1st, 2008

Spoken at a Messianic congregation, Art presents a view of the faith that eclipses what is labeled “Messianic,” namely, an apostolic faith.