The Ministry of Elijah (4 of 5)
Tuesday, September 27th, 2011Another unique expression of the Elijah ministry: authority, character formation, sonship, obedience, message. A 1994 message.
The Ministry of Elijah (3 of 5)
Tuesday, September 27th, 2011Another unique expression of the Elijah ministry: authority, character formation, sonship, obedience, message. A 1994 message.
The Ministry of Elijah (2 of 5)
Tuesday, September 27th, 2011Another unique expression of the Elijah ministry: authority, character formation, sonship, obedience, message. A 1994 message.
The Ministry of Elijah (1 of 5)
Tuesday, September 27th, 2011Another unique expression of the Elijah ministry: authority, character formation, sonship, obedience, message. A 1994 message.
Defining Apostolic Sending (2 of 2)
Friday, September 9th, 2011From the encounter of Moses at the Burning Bush, Art seeks to examine the roots of authentic character before one can become a sent disciple. A 1993 message.
Defining Apostolic Sending (1 of 2)
Friday, September 9th, 2011From the encounter of Moses at the Burning Bush, Art seeks to examine the roots of authentic character before one can become a sent disciple. A 1993 message.
One Church, One Body (2 of 2)
Friday, September 9th, 2011A theological reflection on the cloud of witnesses that make up the Church, past, present, and future – including the place of Israel in that eternal reality. A 1993 message.
One Church, One Body (1 of 2)
Friday, September 9th, 2011A theological reflection on the cloud of witnesses that make up the Church, past, present, and future – including the place of Israel in that eternal reality. A 1993 message.
The Spirit of Elijah (2 of 2)
Friday, September 9th, 2011From the text of 1 Kings 17, Art shares from the life of Elijah the prophet some of the key characteristics in the formation of the man and his office. A 1993 message.
The Spirit of Elijah (1 of 2)
Friday, September 9th, 2011From the text of 1 Kings 17, Art shares from the life of Elijah the prophet some of the key characteristics in the formation of the man and his office. A 1993 message.
Defining the Prophetic Call (2 of 2)
Saturday, September 3rd, 2011An extensive examination of the prophetic calling and office both in its preparation and in the recognition of the same. A 1993 message.
Defining the Prophetic Call (1 of 2)
Saturday, September 3rd, 2011An extensive examination of the prophetic calling and office both in its preparation and in the recognition of the same. A 1993 message.
The Consummation of Israel and the Church
Saturday, September 3rd, 2011Speaking from Ezekiel 37, Art shares some of his deepest thoughts on the mystery of Israel. A 1993 message.
Israel and the Apocalypse (3 of 3)
Saturday, September 3rd, 2011An exhaustive overview and scriptural foundation for the future dealings of God with Israel. A 1993 message.
Israel and the Apocalypse (2 of 3)
Saturday, September 3rd, 2011An exhaustive overview and scriptural foundation for the future dealings of God with Israel. A 1993 message.
Israel and the Apocalypse (1 of 3)
Saturday, September 3rd, 2011An exhaustive overview and scriptural foundation for the future dealings of God with Israel. A 1993 message.
Endtime Adversities
Saturday, September 3rd, 2011Two back-to-back messages (25 minutes each) given by Art on the theme of endtime crises and extremities. A 1973 message.
Jacob Wrestling
Saturday, September 3rd, 2011Another expression of the theme of Jacob wrestling with God in order to come to the knowledge of Him. A 1971 message.
Circumcision as Separation
Saturday, September 3rd, 2011Art speaks to the condition necessary for anyone to love God with all their heart: namely, no confidence in the flesh. Interwoven with Art’s testimony. A 1971 message.
True Ministry
Wednesday, August 31st, 2011今晚我要講的是真正的事奉。我再也沒有辦法想到一個更加迫切的信息。尤其在我們現在所處的時代當中,到處都崛起數之不盡的事工。我尤其對“年青”的事工頗為敏感。我不認為神祂中 像一位有偏見的耆老觀看著年青人興高采烈地舉行聚會。我反而覺得是關乎神的莊嚴,所以當神設立祭司制度的時候,將三十歲定為入職年齡。你能不能想像,人生的頭三十年這樣蹉跎無為,到十九二十歲沒有自己事工嗎?二十一,二十二歲大概已經迫不及待搶閘而出,二十三,二十四歲都急到險些爆炸的地步。年輕人都朝氣蓬勃,精力旺盛,才華橫溢,很有性格,似乎倆能帶給神的國度極大的優勢。倘若,你能夠被釋放出來服事,一定很有衝擊力。但是昔日神卻一律說“不。”當時要等到三十歲才可以開始事奉。連神的兒子,都需要等那麽久。
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