Online Resources

The Tabernacle of David (2 of 2)

Friday, February 25th, 2011

An exploration of what constitutes the tabernacle of David, and the essence of the Davidic heart, so necessary for its restoration.

The Tabernacle of David (1 of 2)

Friday, February 25th, 2011

An exploration of what constitutes the tabernacle of David, and the essence of the Davidic heart, so necessary for its restoration.

Messianic Conference Report: The Morning After

Monday, March 17th, 2008

Again, I had the strange sense of being entirely “out of it” in the midst of a whole congregation, mostly women, greatly moved to dance in the aisles and on the platform.  They were playing loud, recorded Israeli-type music whose lyrics were shown overhead.  Meanwhile the kippur and tallis-wearing ‘rabbi’ intones appropriate solemnities and incitements […]

The Davidic Character of the Kingdom

Sunday, March 2nd, 2008

Israel is intended for the recovery of all nations in the divine order and purposes of God.

The Davidic Kingdom

Wednesday, February 13th, 2008

God gives great honor to King David in using his name as being emblematic of the kingdom that is God’s forever. What is the Davidic kingdom? What is the essence and the character of David that God would want to employ that name to designate that kingdom? Are we Davidic saints now?

Psalms 56 and 57: The Heart of Davidic Worship

Wednesday, February 13th, 2008

Both of these psalms are psalms of persecution; one is about persecution from the Philistines, and the other is about persecution from Saul.