Psalm 102: The Set Time to Favor Zion
Friday, November 12th, 2010Art makes the point that the Lord’s coming as Deliverer for Israel waits upon a condition of being in the church, requiring a transfiguration in the church, thus releasing the Lord to act in behalf of Israel.
Jewish Unbelief
Friday, November 12th, 2010Art gives an insight into the Jewish mindset in its intransigent resistance toward the gospel, which can only be met in the power of the resurrected life, through the One who is Lord of that life.
Israel and the Church in Psalm 102
Thursday, November 4th, 2010Speaking from Psalm 102, Art examines what it means to show compassion for Israel’s fallen and destitute condition that God will bring that nation to. Another expression from the inexhaustible theme of Israel and the Church in the Last Days.
The Fullness of the Gentiles (2 of 2)
Tuesday, November 2nd, 2010Art expounds further on what that fullness is in relation to this entity called Zion from which Israel’s deliverance shall come.
The Fullness of the Gentiles (1 of 2)
Tuesday, November 2nd, 2010An overview of the drama of the Last Days that waits upon the fullness of the Gentiles coming in – so that all Israel might be saved, just as it is written.
Israel in Ezekiel 37
Monday, November 1st, 2010Spoken in Israel, Art puts before Israeli believers a prophetic interpretation of the classic text from Ezekiel 37 on the necessary death and resurrection of Israel. A 2004 message.
Israel’s Calvary Road and the Role of the Church
Monday, November 1st, 2010Art insists that God’s wisdom is based on a necessary suffering and humiliation that precedes the glory and exaltation of the nation Israel. Art’s last and one of his most profound speakings on the subject of Israel and the Church. A 2006 message.
Identifying with God as the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob
Tuesday, January 12th, 2010Modern Jewry misconstrues the gospel to be an invitation to forsake their intrinsic identity and culture as a distinct people in order to become “Christianized” into an assimilation in the mainstream culture. For the most part, Jews cherish their traditions, and sense in them, however diminished, a vitality and spirituality often more than that which ironically purports to “save” them.
The Church’s Identification with Israel
Friday, December 26th, 2008I want to quote some Jewish sources to give a sense of the heightened awareness in the Jewish community of imponderables, of things happening now that are almost beyond their grasp, triggered by this unexpected outbreak of hostilities in Lebanon (2006). I am reading from a Jewish publication called The Forward. One of the principal […]
Apocalyptic Eschatology
Monday, May 26th, 2008I have an outline of certain last days’ events, but there is no way that I can adhere to a linear statement or discussion. You will find that I will keep coming back to certain themes in the interweaving of strands that make up the whole. These are the last days, and I have a […]
Widows and Slaves, Employers and Employees
Monday, May 12th, 2008There is a growing awareness on the part of many for apostolic and prophetic foundations. These foundations need to be understood and developed, and the Lord has given us a very precious perspective on that word “apostolic” from an insight on some comments Paul makes on widows and slaves. It seems just a minor note […]
Godly Critiquing of our Church Life
Tuesday, April 29th, 2008The scriptures encourage us to “examine ourselves.” Critiquing would be a synonym for examining. We need to examine our lives, and events in our lives, in order to get their fullest meaning. If our lives were examined in the biblical sense, we would end up with fewer divorces, more sustained marriages, a richer quality of fellowship, and more […]
The Church’s Mandate to their Nation
Saturday, April 5th, 2008An edited version of a transcribed message by Art Katz, given to a Messianic congregation in Tel Aviv, Israel in March 2002. The church in every nation has an obligation to represent something of God to the nation itself, to bring a particular perspective to the nation’s consciousness, which for the lack of a […]
Israel and the Apocalypse: A Key of Interpretation
Tuesday, March 25th, 2008With the message of Israel, my inmost being is called into participation of a radical kind as it brings a corrective against soulish counterfeits and lesser alternatives in the earnestness of what is at stake.
Critiquing the Visions of the Last Days
Wednesday, March 19th, 2008It is only with some reluctance that we are responding to a request (2004) to give an evaluation of two videos we have been given to consider that have to do with an End Time vision of judgment upon America – given by prominent American ministers of the gospel.
In the Year of King Uzziah’s Death
Thursday, March 13th, 2008The present state of Israel, like the “prophet mighty in word and deed,” like King Uzziah himself, is God-given, but given in order to be taken away!
Israel in the Prophets
Sunday, March 2nd, 2008Another probing examination from the O.T. Prophets on the subject of Israel’s destiny. Includes an insightful interpretation of Isaiah 52 and 53.
K-293 The Church and the Jew
Sunday, March 2nd, 2008A message spoken in Bad Nauheim, Germany (with translation) at a strategic conference on Jewish Evangelism.
Rom. 9 – 11: The Mystery of Israel
Sunday, March 2nd, 2008A theme central to all Paul’s apostolic teaching especially insofar as it pertains to the issue of the glory of God forever.
The Church Eternal
Sunday, March 2nd, 2008The Church is not a new phenomenon, but a continuation of what was given from the beginning in its full Hebraic content.
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