True Reconciliation (1 of 2)
Wednesday, February 2nd, 2011Rather than a humanly-contrived resolution to difficulties, Art shares from Exodus 25 as being God’s answer to agitation and tension, His purpose in it, and the mode by which He will be glorified through it.
The Holy of Holies
Friday, December 24th, 2010Where then does the prophet (or apostle) get his perspective? What is the basis by which he sees? How does he have his sense of things that puts him in such opposition and contradiction to the world?
The Holy Ark of God
Saturday, March 1st, 2008The Shekinah ’74 message given in New York City. Art shows that the Ark of God has to do with the glory of God in the mystery of God. To the Ark is ascribed all the prerogatives and power of God, and therefore the final destination of the Ark is the destiny of God’s people as well.