Audio Messages by Theme
The speakings of Art Katz available as streaming and downloadable MP3s.
God of the Nations (1 of 2)
Art gives an overview of God’s purpose for the nations, the centrality of Israel as God’s provision for the nations, and a Church that can rule and reign with Christ from the heavenlies.
God of the Nations (2 of 2)
Art gives an overview of God’s purpose for the nations, the centrality of Israel as God’s provision for the nations, and a Church that can rule and reign with Christ from the heavenlies.
God’s Pattern of Restoration
From Psalm 126, Art gives a pattern of restoration both for Israel and for the Church, in the timing of God, both in suddenness and unexpectedness.
God’s Purpose for Israel and the Church
Speaking from Ezekiel 37, Art makes the point that present-day Israel, in its apostate condition, serves and will yet serve the purposes of God for the church. A 1991 message.
God’s Redemption of the Nations
Art gives us a framework of understanding for God’s final intention for the nations in the purposes of God.
Going Up To Zion
An examination of the Hebraic distinctive of the faith of Israel, lost to Jews presently, but soon to be restored at the end of the age that they may bless all the nations.
Grace and the Election of Israel (1 of 3)
A probing study of the Mystery of Israel.
Grace and the Election of Israel (2 of 3)
A probing study of the Mystery of Israel.
Grace and the Election of Israel (3 of 3)
A probing study of the Mystery of Israel.
Grafted into Israel’s Root
Art exhorts us to a fuller and truer appreciation of what will be required of the church in the days to come.
Has Jesus made you Jewish?
If we miss the “Jewishness” of Jesus, we miss something crucial in our understanding of God and our testimony to both the Jew and the Gentile.
He that Comes in the Name of the Lord
A profound statement of the true humility that God’s people are called to as illustrated in our Lord’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem.
Hearing God’s Voice
An insight into how our hearing of God’s voice is impeded or nullified by our own disposition, our own thought, opinions, agenda and desires.
Heart Circumcision
Art gets right to the issue of our self-life and God’s provision for the ending of its sap and vitality. A 1973 message.
Heart Purity
Speaking from Jesus’ meeting with Nathaniel, a man in whom there was no guile, Art insists that only the pure in heart shall see God as He truly is, and identifies the characteristics of that purity.
Heaven, more Heaven
Sharing from the book of Hebrews, Art shows that the great saints of old had a hope and an expectation of a reality that was beyond this present life and culture. A 1992 message.
Holiness or “Blessing”
A cautionary word for the Church regarding its fascination with the present “revival” phenomena.
Honor Your Father (1 of 2)
An episode, affecting all subsequent generations, in the life of Noah and his three sons that exemplifies the principle of blessing or curse in the honoring of one’s father.
Honor Your Father (2 of 2)
An episode, affecting all subsequent generations, in the life of Noah and his three sons that exemplifies the principle of blessing or curse in the honoring of one’s father.
Human, all too Human!
Are we giving evidence of a transcendent life to all who observe us? Gleanings from Psalm 14.