Audio Messages by Theme
The speakings of Art Katz available as streaming and downloadable MP3s.
GER-13 Apostolischen Glauben und Weihe
English Title: Apostolic Faith and Consecration
GER-14 Die Herrschaft Gottes durch Israel
The Reign of God through Israel
GER-15 Israel und die Nationen
English Title: Israel and the Nations
GER-16 Israel und das Kreuz
English Title: Israel and the Cross
GER-17 Echte Reue
English Title: True Repentance
GER-18 Das Reich Gottes
English Title: The Kingdom of God
GER-19 Die_Kommenden Jüdischen Holocaust (1 of 3)
English Title: The Coming Holocaust (Set of 3)
GER-20 Die_Kommenden Jüdischen Holocaust (2 of 3)
English Title: The Coming Holocaust (Set of 3)
GER-21 Die_Kommenden Jüdischen Holocaust (3 of 3)
English Title: The Coming Holocaust (Set of 3)
Gleanings from Psalm 24
A description of those who truly seek the Lord for His sake. A challenge to the casual, self-satisfied Christian.
Gleanings from Psalm 27
This psalm is an ultimate statement of faith and confidence in God, even and especially in adverse and hopeless circumstances. Touches and identifies the place of true praise.
Gleanings from Psalm 37 (1 of 2)
A commentary on this psalm that strikes deeply at a perception of reality unique to God.
Gleanings from Psalm 37 (2 of 2)
A commentary on this psalm that strikes deeply at a perception of reality unique to God.
Gleanings from Psalm 87
Only a love for the things that God loves will save us from other interests and purposes – even those of a spiritual kind.
Gleanings from the Garden (1 of 2)
What we celebrate as being good may well be our greatest snare. We have got to have an unswerving devotion to the Tree of Life and abstain at all costs to draw from the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
Gleanings from the Garden (2 of 2)
What we celebrate as being good may well be our greatest snare. We have got to have an unswerving devotion to the Tree of Life and abstain at all costs to draw from the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
God as Father
Jesus revealed the Father who sent Him, thus giving us a foundational glimpse into the heart of the mystery of the Godhead.
God Crucified
The Cross stabbingly set forth before men as the pivot of all reality.
God Enthroned
The enthronement of God in all we do is at the heart of the faith.
God is Other!
Examines mankind’s failure to recognize in the crucifixion of God the very demonstration of His essential character, namely, His humility. A must for those who might be contemplating ministry.