Online Resources

Audio Messages by Theme

The speakings of Art Katz available as streaming and downloadable MP3s.

FREN-08 Élie le Prophète

English Title: Elijah the Prophet

FREN-09 Prophète d’Incendie

English Title: Prophet of Fire

FREN-11 Le Royaume des Cieux

English Title: The Kingdom of Heaven

FREN-12 Fondements Apostoliques – Confrontation

English Title: Apostolic Foundations – Confrontation

FREN-13 Fondements Apostoliques – L’éternité

English Title: Apostolic Foundations – Eternity

FREN-14 Fondements Apostoliques – Église dans les Desseins de Dieu

English Title: Apostolic Foundations – Church in the Purposes of God

FREN-15 Fondements Apostoliques – Les Pouvoirs des Ténèbres

English Title: Apostolic Foundations – The Powers of Darkness

FREN-16 Fondements Apostoliques – Caractère Sacré

English Title: Apostolic Foundations – Holy Character

FREN-17 Fondements Apostoliques – Melquisedec Sacerdotes

English Title: Apostolic Foundations – The Melchizedek Priesthood

FREN-18 Fondements Apostoliques – La Vraie Prédication

English Title: Apostolic Foundations – True Preaching

FREN-19 Message pour l’Afrique

English Title: Message for Africa

From Death to Life

Art insists that the life of God has its origin only out of death, but how many of us shrink from the death of the Cross in order to obtain that life?

From Grave to Resurrection

The necessary death and resurrection of Israel as well as the necessity of our own.

From Self to Spirit

The human condition is intrinsically rooted in egocentric living.

From Water to Wine (1 of 2)

Art probes the enigma of the addition of water that was able to transform the whole substance for the ultimate glory of God.

From Water to Wine (2 of 2)

Art probes the enigma of the addition of water that was able to transform the whole substance for the ultimate glory of God.

Fulfilling the Mystery of Israel (1 of 2)

Drawing from Romans chapter 11, Art shows that the Jew has not been cast away, and that there is a divine purpose in the necessary but temporary setting aside of this people.

Fulfilling the Mystery of Israel (2 of 2)

Drawing from Romans chapter 11, Art shows that the Jew has not been cast away, and that there is a divine purpose in the necessary but temporary setting aside of this people.

GER_22 Die Kirche und die Juden

English Title: The Church and the Jew

GER-12 Martyrium

English Title: Martyrdom