Audio Messages by Theme
The speakings of Art Katz available as streaming and downloadable MP3s.
Decade of the Nineties (2 of 3)
A prophetic must! Compels the hearer to a whole radical re-assessment of one’s present faith and walk. Tape K-059 is a single tape with a compressed message, while tapes K-060 through K-062 are a fuller amplification.
Decade of the Nineties (3 of 3)
A prophetic must! Compels the hearer to a whole radical re-assessment of one’s present faith and walk. Tape K-059 is a single tape with a compressed message, while tapes K-060 through K-062 are a fuller amplification.
Decade of the Nineties (Abridged)
A prophetic must! Compels the hearer to a whole radical re-assessment of one’s present faith and walk. Tape K-059 is a single tape with a compressed message, while tapes K-060 through K-062 are a fuller amplification.
Defining Apostolic Sending (1 of 2)
From the encounter of Moses at the Burning Bush, Art seeks to examine the roots of authentic character before one can become a sent disciple. A 1993 message.
Defining Apostolic Sending (2 of 2)
From the encounter of Moses at the Burning Bush, Art seeks to examine the roots of authentic character before one can become a sent disciple. A 1993 message.
Defining the Prophetic Call (1 of 2)
An extensive examination of the prophetic calling and office both in its preparation and in the recognition of the same. A 1993 message.
Defining the Prophetic Call (2 of 2)
An extensive examination of the prophetic calling and office both in its preparation and in the recognition of the same. A 1993 message.
Despising a Holy God
Sharing from Psalm 51, Art maintains that until we know our every sin as being a sin against God, we do not know the essence of the evil of sin; it has not registered in our spirit and on our consciousness.
Art defines discipleship as a continual dependency on God for all of life, as being the answer to the needs of a world that is spiraling downwards. A 1973 message.
Elijah the Prophet
Drawing from the life and ministry of the prophet Elijah, Art gives a fresh insight into the prophetic office – especially needful in the light of the sudden popularity of this calling. A 2006 message.
End-Time Overview
An excellent one-message overview that touches many of the great themes of the faith and that culminates in the Lord’s return and establishment of His Kingdom through a restored Israel.
Endtime Adversities
Two back-to-back messages (25 minutes each) given by Art on the theme of endtime crises and extremities. A 1973 message.
Eternal Hell (1 of 2)
Spoken in 1975, Art gives a resounding call to believers to take seriously the preaching of the gospel as a saving of mankind out of an eternal hell and judgment. Superb sound quality and a classic early message.
Eternal Hell (2 of 2)
Spoken in 1975, Art gives a resounding call to believers to take seriously the preaching of the gospel as a saving of mankind out of an eternal hell and judgment. Superb sound quality and a classic early message.
Eternal Rule and Rewards
A review of faith in the context of the things that are eternal and that have to do with the little-known subject of rewards and ruling and reigning in the Kingdom.
Eternal Separation
In the light of the character of God, Art sets forth the tragedy of an irremediable and eternal torment awaiting those who do not seek God so as to find Him.
Eunuch for Christ (1 of 2)
Another powerful classic message probing and calling us to the meaning of having the axe laid to the root of our life.
Eunuch for Christ (2 of 2)
Another powerful classic message probing and calling us to the meaning of having the axe laid to the root of our life.
Even so, Come Lord Jesus! (1 of 3)
The Lord is contained in the heavens until the restoration of all things spoken of by the prophets. There is a certain ‘set-time’ for which He is waiting, and Art examines what those requirements are.
Even so, Come Lord Jesus! (2 of 3)
The Lord is contained in the heavens until the restoration of all things spoken of by the prophets. There is a certain ‘set-time’ for which He is waiting, and Art examines what those requirements are.