Online Resources

Audio Messages by Theme

The speakings of Art Katz available as streaming and downloadable MP3s.

The Tragedy of 9-11

Art tries to answer some of the issues and questions raised by the Sept. 11th, 2001 national tragedy.

The Tree of Life

An anecdotal message on what it means to live from the tree of life. An early ministry message.

The Two Judaisms

Answers questions about the validity of Judaism as a paradigm of all religions.

The Union of the Church and Israel

Art shows that the glory of what the Church is cannot be disconnected from past believers (the invisible cloud of witnesses) nor from the future glory of the nation Israel. A 1994 message.

The Valley of Dry Bones

Another unique expression of the Ezekiel 37 message in which Art makes the point that the “son of man” described in this passage needs to be seen as the church of the last days brought to a fullness of stature and able to speak life to the dry bones of the house of Israel.

The Veil of Self

Art maintains that we can be believers without knowing that the power of our self-life hides the face of God from us.

The Whitewashed Wall

A warning against the use of untempered mortar in walls that will fall except we ruthlessly proceed from the phraseological to the real in our actual experience.

The Wilderness Call

An excellent introduction and explanation of the preparation and reason for providing refuge to Jews in flight in the Last Days.

The Wisdom of the Cross

Art points out that God chooses what He chooses in order to make a statement about Himself, and that He reveals Himself by His choices. Not surprisingly, those choices contradict all that mankind applauds and celebrates as wisdom. A 1995 message.

The Word of Faith

Speaking from Romans 10, Art magnifies the spoken word as having the potential and power to create faith unto salvation – but it is a word of particular kind. A 1995 message.

Theological Deception

Art insists that the unwillingness to receive the mystery of Israel is a heart issue, a moral issue, an obedience issue, and that the willingness to do God’s will is the only basis for knowing whether a doctrine is true or not.

Theology of Exile (1 of 2)

An examination of the biblical grounds for Israel’s previous exiles and dispersions into the nations in the purposes of God. Art insists that the same conditions are existing for a yet future exile. A 1994 message.

Theology of Exile (2 of 2)

An examination of the biblical grounds for Israel’s previous exiles and dispersions into the nations in the purposes of God. Art insists that the same conditions are existing for a yet future exile. A 1994 message.

There were Two Trees in the Garden (1 of 2)

If the Tree of Life was as equally accessible to Adam and Eve, why did they scorn and reject that tree, and prefer instead to eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil?

There were Two Trees in the Garden (2 of 2)

If the Tree of Life was as equally accessible to Adam and Eve, why did they scorn and reject that tree, and prefer instead to eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil?

This Kind Cometh Not Out…

From Mark chapter 9, an instructive parable of the Last Days. Reveals the critical factor in Israel’s own deliverance.

Timeless Interview

Something of the sense of God as God is conveyed – not what we may have thought Him to be.

To God be Glory in the Church

If God’s people will not be radically sacred, the world will be radically profane.

To the Jew First…

The church is emaciated and corrupted in exact proportion as it has failed to take to heart God’s foremost mandate for herself, namely, that “the gospel is the power of God unto salvation for all who believe, to the Jew first…”

To Whom is the Arm of the Lord Revealed?

Art maintains there are only two basic heart dispositions in the world. One is repulsed by Jesus, reluctant to give submission to anyone. The other longs for the salvation of God, and it is to this latter that the Lord reveals Himself. A sober address appropriate to all earnest inquirers after God.