Online Resources

Audio Messages by Theme

The speakings of Art Katz available as streaming and downloadable MP3s.

The Prophetic Distinctive (1 of 2)

A comprehensive examination of the office of prophet in the church today. Art touches on the forming of a prophet, the role of a prophet, and answers very practical questions on present-day prophets, prophetic discerning and the validity of women prophets.

The Prophetic Distinctive (2 of 2)

Message continues from K-317 with insight into the spoken word, prophetic obedience and true and false prophets. NOTE: Message ends abruptly.

The Prophetic Function

Art insists that the function of a true prophet is primarily to show God forth as He in fact is. A 1994 message.

The Prophetic Word

With the general debasing of language and the preached word in particular, Art examines the meaning of the preached word as an ‘event’ that actually effects something in the purposes of God.

The Pursuit of Wisdom

From the life of Daniel, Art examines where this servant-prophet obtained his wisdom, and why it could be recognized by a pagan civilization.

The Radical Controversy

The scandal of the gospel is revealed no more abruptly than in our witness to the Jew.

The Radical Kingdom (1 of 3)

An examination of the impact and implications of the invasion of Earth by Heaven as exemplified in the Son of God’s own coming, His speech, life, and conduct.

The Radical Kingdom (2 of 3)

A younger Art Katz examines the impact and implications of the invasion of Earth by Heaven as exemplified in the Son of God’s own coming, His speech, life, and conduct.

The Radical Kingdom (3 of 3)

A younger Art Katz examines the impact and implications of the invasion of Earth by Heaven as exemplified in the Son of God’s own coming, His speech, life, and conduct.

The Real or the Plastic?

Devastated by what took place while visiting a ‘Jesus Rally,’ Art opens up and lays bare the issue of authentic repentance.

The Reality of the Christmas Story

The manger needs to be rescued from department store windows and returned to its rightful place as the picture of a humble and receptive heart.

The Rejection of God

The very heart of sin is the rejection of God and the glory of God, especially in the form that God chose to reveal Himself in the advent, crucifixion and death of His Son.

The Remnant People of God

In the final analysis, God is mainly interested in a remnant people who stand for the whole, both for the predominantly Gentile church and Israel.

The Rich Young Ruler and the Blind Beggar

Art examines the contrast of these two individuals in their ability to recognize Jesus. The blind see and the rich go empty away. Art brings the significance of this episode into an endtimes scenario. Definitely an all-time epochal message.

The Royal Priesthood

Art links becoming a sanctuary for God that we might serve Him as priest – that exalted state of being to which believers need to aspire to attain to.

The Scandal of Specificity

A God who chooses is central to an understanding of the faith. Another incisive expression of God’s choice of Israel with an excellent ‘questions and answers’ session at the end.

The Schiavo Case – A Conflict of Life

A resurrection message in which Art sets forth the unique difference between the resurrection life of God in comparison with the human, natural, and religious (and lesser) equivalent. A 2005 message.

The Sense of God

Does our speaking and preaching convey the majesty, sense and awe of God? A call to something more than “correctness” in our Christian faith.

The Servant of Servants

Drawing on the sons of Noah, Art delineates some of the characteristics of these three sons. A message of an emancipating kind, particularly for the black church. A call to servanthood – the essence of what God is in Himself.

The Shaping of Godly Character

The ultimate purposes of God with man.