Online Resources

Audio Messages by Theme

The speakings of Art Katz available as streaming and downloadable MP3s.

The Mystery of Incarnation (7 of 9)

An insightful examination of the apparent contradiction between God being both God and man, both deity and humanity, in the same person. What therefore are the implications for all of mankind? A classic series spoken in 2005.

The Mystery of Incarnation (8 of 9)

An insightful examination of the apparent contradiction between God being both God and man, both deity and humanity, in the same person. What therefore are the implications for all of mankind? A classic series spoken in 2005.

The Mystery of Incarnation (9 of 9)

An insightful examination of the apparent contradiction between God being both God and man, both deity and humanity, in the same person. What therefore are the implications for all of mankind? A classic series spoken in 2005.

The Mystery of Israel

(A 1999 convocation message) Art probes the perplexity of the mystery of Israel given in Romans 11 and Psalm 102.

The Mystery of Israel and the Church

Central to the true comprehension of the Church of itself only as it understands and consciously and willfully receives its mandate toward Israel.

The Mystery of the Gentile Church

Another expression of this profound mystery.

The Mystery of the German and the Jew

The history and destiny of these two great nations are forever interwoven together. (See also K-036 & K-136).

The Mystery of Zion

Art seeks to define the mystery word Zion, to bring the Church into an apprehension of what it represents, and in the last analysis, to become it―or there will be no deliverance for Israel, for if her deliverance will not come out of Zion, it will not come at all.

The Necessity of the Cross

Unless we see what is required to save us from an eternal Hell, then we will not understand how far God will go to ransom a person or a nation (Israel).

The Obedience of Sonship

Art shows that an obedient son is one who lives for the honor of the Father, no matter what is required.

The Origin of the Nations

The nations are not a geographical accident, but distinctively given in the creative work of God.

The Origin of True Preaching

How do we know whether the preached word has its origin in God? A brief commentary from Jeremiah 23 reveals where in fact this word must come from.

The Place of Seeing

There is a place that God invites us to come, the holiest place of all, where God is, and it is out of that place that true, priestly service is made.

The Plight of the Jew

In the light of growing anti-Semitism, Art sounds an alert to the Church to make her aware of the gravity of what is taking place presently in the world toward the Jew.

The Potter

This message portrays with inescapable clarity that process by which alone God can form the clay of our humanity into true royalty.

The Powers of the Air (1 of 2)

Speaking from Ephesians chapter 3, Art gives an understanding of the Church’s role toward the unseen world of the principalities and powers. An early expression of this theme given in 1986.

The Powers of the Air (2 of 2)

Speaking from Ephesians chapter 3, Art gives an understanding of the Church’s role toward the unseen world of the principalities and powers. An early expression of this theme given in 1986.

The Presence of the Future (1 of 2)

A church without a view of its end has no significant present.

The Presence of the Future (2 of 2)

A church without a view of its end has no significant present.

The Prophetic Call and Task

A detailed and anecdotal statement on the subject of true and false prophets.