Online Resources

Audio Messages by Theme

The speakings of Art Katz available as streaming and downloadable MP3s.

Sonship with the Father (2 of 2)

Art urges believers toward a dynamic and active relationship with God without which our lives become stagnant and malnourished.

Sorrow and Anguish

Drawing from Psalm 102, Art maintains that we are too dry-eyed for the lost and needy because we do not share the heart of God and the sorrow He has for those He created in His own image.

Sound Doctrine vs Spiritualizing

Art challenges the error of a whole movement that had elevated the spiritualization of scripture over and above the apostolic tradition of sound biblical doctrine.

Sowing and Reaping

An indictment against the showy brashness that so characterizes ministry from the pulpit.

Speaking the Truth (1 of 2)

From Ephesians 4, a message on speaking the truth in love as being the principal key to fullness and maturity in the Church. Art maintains that we are called to safeguard the sanctity of speech for the purposes of God.

Speaking the Truth (2 of 2)

From Ephesians 4, a message on speaking the truth in love as being the principal key to fullness and maturity in the Church. Art maintains that we are called to safeguard the sanctity of speech for the purposes of God.

Spiritual Authority

Speaking from Mark 9, Art shows that true spiritual authority conveys the reality and the sense of God as He is, and goes on to show where that reality is found and maintained.

Strange Fire I

From Leviticus chapter 10 and the episode of Aaron’s two sons, Art shows how rash, impetuous and self-initiating works done in the service of God may well be a type of “false fire” – reducing the sense of God, the fear of Him, and His holiness. An early 2000’s message.

Strange Fire II

Similar to K-297, and continuing with the theme, Art examines the anatomy of what propels young men and women to initiate their own service for God: namely, the desire to see the glory as being more important than the holiness of God. A 2006 message.

Streams of Life

From Ezekiel 47. Only in the center of the river of life, where the depth precludes standing on one’s own feet and the current is stronger than our will, is the water pure and undefiled.

Submission – A Going Down

From Luke 2, Art shows that submission and humility were the logic of the life of Christ, and is for us a key to our own attainment of maturity, wisdom and stature in God.

Submission unto Death

Speaking from the episode of Lazarus’ resurrection, Art urges a willing submission to the processes of “death” by which all that inheres in our self-life may be purified.

That they may be One…

When we come to the same quality and character of relationship as is shown forth in the Godhead, then we will have obtained the unity of the Body.

The Anatomy of a Prophetic Theme

On the heels of a conference sharing (K-312 through K-315), Art gives an insight into how prophetic themes are birthed that are in keeping with the stratagem of God for the hour and the purposes of God for the church in order that there might be on-time, present truth as it is in Christ Jesus.

The Anatomy of Adultery

Art maintains that the evil of adultery pertains as much to adulterers as it does to adulteration: the admixture or watering down of things that are holy. We are not just corrupted but become corruptors.

The Anatomy of Cross Evasion

A call for a return to the Cross – the most epochal event in the whole of history, and indeed, the heart of the faith itself.

The Anatomy of Resurrection

How we view the reality of resurrection, and its implied union with God, will determine whether our lives will be a glory to God. A 1992 message.

The Anatomy of Sin (1 of 2)

It is pointless to talk about the Last Days, prophecy, Israel, etc unless we have made peace in our hearts with the issues of sin and judgment.

The Anatomy of Sin (2 of 2)

It is pointless to talk about the Last Days, prophecy, Israel, etc unless we have made peace in our hearts with the issues of sin and judgment.

The Anatomy of Worship

True sacrifice is only found in a worshipful heart that recognizes and acknowledges God as God, as He essentially is.