Online Resources

Audio Messages by Theme

The speakings of Art Katz available as streaming and downloadable MP3s.

Rome or Zion?

A message spoken at a predominantly Catholic charismatic conference, and was a call to a reality beyond the Church’s own self-absorption and into the purpose and context of God in the Last Days.

RUSS-01 Israel and the Church

RUSS-01 Израиль и Церковь
English Title: Israel and the Church

RUSS-02 Israel and the Kingdom of God

RUSS-02 Израиль и Царство Божие
English Title: Israel and the Kingdom of God

RUSS-03 A Future Crisis for Israel

RUSS-03 Будущего кризиса для Израиля
A Future Crisis for Israel

RUSS-04 The Eternal Perspective

RUSS-04 Вечную перспективу
English Title: The Eternal Perspective

RUSS-05 Questions and Answers

RUSS-05 Вопросы и ответы
English Title: Questions and Answers

Sanctified unto a Bride

One of Art’s best expositions of Psalm102 in which he shows how the mysteries of the faith come together in a final fulfillment of the church’s bridal purity that allows the Lord to be Israel’s Deliverer. A 2005 milestone message!

Seek not the Approval of Men

Speaking from John 5, Art makes the point that if there is an iota in us of the desire to receive honor from men, we negate the truth and reality of our witness, our integrity, our word.

Sell all your Possessions (1 of 2)

Art puts before the Church the totality of God’s requirement of renunciation in order to enter the gifts and privileges of eternal life.

Sell all your Possessions (2 of 2)

Art puts before the Church the totality of God’s requirement of renunciation in order to enter the gifts and privileges of eternal life.

Sent from God

From Isaiah 6, Art shows that the prophetic word of judgment upon Israel still holds, and can only be alleviated by another prophetic word out of the mouths of those who have passed through Isaiah’s own seeing.

Sent from God – Isaiah’s call

“Who will go for us?” The word “who” haunts me; it suggests very few candidates. How often do you find a believer who has risen above the prevailing culture and the correctness of his doctrine, who really knows God as God, who sees God as terrifying, stupefying and vast? When was the last time you met someone who has seen God in His greatest act, namely, the revelation of the nature of God in His suffering and death, which has ever and always been His nature? The only thing that the cross did was reveal what God always was and is; He is a servant, a sent one Himself.

Shem and Japheth

Speaking from Genesis 9, Art alerts the church to demonstrate to Israel that very thing to which Israel herself is called in the purposes of God, namely, an expression of “Shem” fulfilling her call and destiny for the nations. A testing message for Gentile believers.

Sifted and Restored

From the text of Amos chapter 9, Art gives a scenario of a future, last days’ sifting of the Jewish people in the purposes of God. A 1994 message.

Signs of the Times

A penetrating and timeless assessment of world events with an insight into what the true church is likely to be confronted with in the last days. Another expression of K-059. A 1990 message.

Sin and Atonement

Another piercing examination of the anatomy of sin and of what God was required to do in order to expiate it.

Sin and Holiness (1 of 2)

In the final analysis, Art maintains that our every error has its source in our inadequate conception of sin, and that we have not become sufficiently acquainted with its workings or its power.

Sin and Holiness (2 of 2)

In the final analysis, Art maintains that our every error has its source in our inadequate conception of sin, and that we have not become sufficiently acquainted with its workings or its power.

Sons and Daughters of God

It is only sons and daughters who are qualified to fulfill the Last Days’ purposes of God. Only they have a single-eyed devotion to the will of the Father.

Sonship with the Father (1 of 2)

Art urges believers toward a dynamic and active relationship with God without which our lives become stagnant and malnourished.