Online Resources

Audio Messages by Theme

The speakings of Art Katz available as streaming and downloadable MP3s.

One Thing You Lack

Based on Jesus’ encounter with the rich young ruler, Art focuses in on that one thing that prevents true devotion to God – even when we think we have given our all!

Out of Zion

Art explores the meaning of Zion, this mystery word, out of which Israel’s salvation shall come

Paganism – The Cancer of the Church

Paganism is a growing threat in the very Church itself, and if it is not presently with us, we need to watch out for it, or we will find ourselves unwittingly embracing it.

Paul – Man of the Spirit

From an episode in the life of the apostle Paul, Art shows what being led by the Spirit means in an obedient servant of God. A 1977 message.

Paul: The New Covenant Man

A model of the end-time believer, complete in God, prepared for any contingency.

Paul’s Apostleship

Examining the distinctive character of the apostle Paul, Art shows the corollary between Paul’s apostolic calling and Israel’s yet future apostolic calling to the nations as a nation.

Paul’s Union with God

Paul makes his own experience the pattern for all believers, and that union with the Law Giver is the answer to the question of how we are to be morally guided if we “set aside the Law”, so to speak. A classic message.

Peace be unto you!

A message from John 20: 19-31 for a fearful and unbelieving Christianity that does not understand the phenomenon of resurrection.

Phinehas – Priest of Obedience

The decline of obedience to the moral laws of God in society and in the church will ultimately bring upon themselves the redemptive judgments of God.

Places of Refuge

With Israel’s final sifting on the horizon, Art encourages believers to consider the establishing of places of refuge as being a provision for the Jewish people in this time. An anecdotal 1994 message.

POL-01 Kościół i Żydów

English Title:The Church & the Jew

Praying the Peace of Jerusalem (1 of 2)

If prayer is the ultimate statement of where we are in God, then this message will challenge the very cores and truth of our condition in God.

Praying the Peace of Jerusalem (2 of 2)

If prayer is the ultimate statement of where we are in God, then this message will challenge the very cores and truth of our condition in God.

Preaching – A Sacred Responsibility (1 of 2)

How much is our spoken message the deepest statement of our innermost convictions?

Preaching – A Sacred Responsibility (2 of 2)

How much is our spoken message the deepest statement of our innermost convictions?

Priestly Ministry

Speaking from Leviticus, Art compares the rigorous training of the Aaronic priests to the shallow, religious functionaries of our day. A 1976 message.

Priests Unto Him

Able to radically distinguish between the holy and the profane, it is the priest whose ministry can call down the fire of heaven and restore God’s glory to His Church.

Prophetic Communication

Art maintains that it is to the office of prophet and apostle, the foundational offices, that God entrusts the communication of His purposes to His church.

Prophetic Reality versus Fantasy

Art shows that the false prophets were themselves deceived about their knowledge of God. Then, as now, nothing has changed.

Prudence: the Discipline of Godly Speech

We will know when we are speaking prudently when peace is its fruit.