Audio Messages by Theme
The speakings of Art Katz available as streaming and downloadable MP3s.
JAP-02 Confronting Pagan Cultures
Confronting Pagan Cultures (with Japanese translation)
JAP-03 Attaining Maturity
Attaining Maturity (with Japanese translation)
JAP-04 Confess Your Sins
Confess Your Sins (with Japanese translation)
JAP-05 The Humility of God
The Humility of God (with Japanese translation)
JAP-06 The Righteous Judgments of God
The Righteous Judgments of God (with Japanese translation)
JAP-07 Judgment Begins in the House of God
Judgment Begins in the House of God (with Japanese translation)
JAP-08 God Requires the Past
God Requires the Past (with Japanese translation)
JAP-09 Gods Purpose for the Nations
God’s Purpose for the Nations (with Japanese translation)
Jeremiah – Prophet of the Last Days
A challenging mandate, especially for black believers of the Last Days.
Jeremiah, The Persecuted Prophet
Art examines the root of the offense that evoked persecution against Jeremiah, because we can likely expect it again as the church of the Last Days.
Jerusalem Conference Address
A word on the ministry of Elijah which must precede the return of the Lord.
Jesus – The Pattern Son
An insight into the obedience of Christ, the laying aside of His deity and His willingness as a Son to empty Himself thus giving us a pattern of what a believer is called to.
Jewish Opposition to the Gospel
Art touches some of the deep-seated reasons for this, and therefore the challenge that is presented before the church.
Jewish Resistance to the Gospel (1 of 2)
Art gives an insight into Jewish resistance toward Jesus, the gospel and the faith. Includes comments on the Torah, the Talmud, and Judaism (both rabbinic and messianic). A 2004 message.
Jewish Resistance to the Gospel (2 of 2)
Art gives an insight into Jewish resistance toward Jesus, the gospel and the faith. Includes comments on the Torah, the Talmud, and Judaism (both rabbinic and messianic). A 2004 message.
Jewish Unbelief
Art gives an insight into the Jewish mindset in its intransigent resistance toward the gospel, which can only be met in the power of the resurrected life, through the One who is Lord of that life.
Jewish vs. Hebraic
There is a vast difference between being Jewish and being Hebraic, nor do we necessarily have to be Jewish to be Hebraic.
Joseph – Man of the Spirit
Art examines the distinctives that made Joseph a man so dear in God’s sight. A 1977 message.
Judgment (1 of 2)
At the heart of the knowledge of God is the knowledge of a God who judges.
Judgment (2 of 2)
At the heart of the knowledge of God is the knowledge of a God who judges.