Audio Messages by Theme
The speakings of Art Katz available as streaming and downloadable MP3s.
Israel and Water Baptism
The deliverance of Israel in the Last Days waits on a people who have appropriated the Cross in its true meaning – at the waters of Baptism.
Israel as the Missing Key
Speaking from Romans 11, Art shows that our continuing ignorance of the mystery of Israel may well be the revelation of the truth of our lack of union with God. A 1995 message.
Israel in Exile
In the light of God’s covenant faithfulness to Israel, Art seeks to find an answer her past expulsions from the Land in order to understand the necessity of a yet-future expulsion. A 1994 message.
Israel in Ezekiel 37
Spoken in Israel, Art puts before Israeli believers a prophetic interpretation of the classic text from Ezekiel 37 on the necessary death and resurrection of Israel. A 2004 message.
Israel in Flight
A commentary on Amos chapter 9 that suggests a soon coming flight of world Jewry through all nations in the necessary dealing of God to bring His ancient people back to Himself and into their Millennial glory.
Israel in the Prophets
Another probing examination from the O.T. Prophets on the subject of Israel’s destiny. Includes an insightful interpretation of Isaiah 52 and 53.
Israel in the Purpose of God
Art shows that God’s choice of Israel was to be His witness nation, to reveal God’s essential being to the nations. A 1994 message.
Israel Overview
A short but excellent overview of the mystery of Israel that touches on the “fullness of the Gentiles” coming in – spoken of by Paul in Romans 11.
Israel the Suffering Servant
Using the text of Isaiah 53, Art makes a clear and powerful statement establishing the crucifixion of Jesus as being the heart of all reality, being the deepest revelation of God Himself, and then makes the application for the nation of Israel, also to be His servant-son.
Israel, the “Servant – Son”
Israel is called to be like its Messiah and Lord before it – a nation of priests and a light unto the world.
Israel, the Death of a Nation
Present-day Israel is not scheduled to succeed, but to die. It is not a pleasant scenario, but the end thereof is glory.
Israel’s Conversion
Speaking from Romans 11, Art touches on some of the key aspects of the mystery of Israel spoken of by Paul.
Israel’s Calvary Road and the Role of the Church
Art insists that God’s wisdom is based on a necessary suffering and humiliation that precedes the glory and exaltation of the nation Israel. Art’s last and one of his most profound speakings on the subject of Israel and the Church. A 2006 message.
Israel’s Chastisement
Speaking from Amos 9:11-15, Art paints a scenario of a global sifting of world Jewry in a final last days’ drama through the nations.
Israel’s Future Expulsion
Speaking from Amos 9, Art defines Israel’s last days’ sifting through all nations as a necessary wilderness experience to finally bring His ancient people back to Himself. Includes a helpful insight into the Rapture.
Jacob becomes Israel (1 of 3)
A deeply instructive insight into the renaming of Jacob by God and what it means to be of the Israel of God.
Jacob becomes Israel (2 of 3)
A deeply instructive insight into the renaming of Jacob by God and what it means to be of the Israel of God.
Jacob becomes Israel (3 of 3)
A deeply instructive insight into the renaming of Jacob by God and what it means to be of the Israel of God.
Jacob Wrestling
Another expression of the theme of Jacob wrestling with God in order to come to the knowledge of Him. A 1971 message.
JAP-01 The Earth Belongs to the Lord
The Earth Belongs to the Lord (with Japanese translation)