Audio Messages by Theme
The speakings of Art Katz available as streaming and downloadable MP3s.
Humility in Life
An insight into the foundational character of God Himself being wrought in those in union with Him.
I Love the Lord…but…
A challenging, confronting message for those whose hearts are becoming slack.
I would not have you ignorant…
God has an antidote that will save the church from its ambitions, designs and programs. Another unique and powerful expression of the mystery of Israel, central to Paul’s faith, but absent from ours.
Identifying the True Prophet (1 of 2)
Art gives a comprehensive overview of what it takes to identify a true prophet.
Identifying the True Prophet (2 of 2)
Art gives a comprehensive overview of what it takes to identify a true prophet.
In the Beginning God Created…
Beginnings are always significant in the economy of God and no more so than in His creative acts.
In the Year King Uzziah Died
Speaking from Isaiah 6:1, Art maintains there is a conjunction between the death of Uzziah and Isaiah’s seeing of the Lord. And that there is corollary between this event and the fullness of the Gentiles coming in when the “death” of Israel is displayed before them.
Interview – The Holocaust and the Jew
A key message to pass on to unbelieving Jews and anyone involved in Jewish evangelism.
Intimate Union
A probing study of the mystery of marriage, the Body of Christ and our relationship with God Himself.
Isaiah 35
A close and careful examination of Israel’s deliverance and salvation in the mystery of God at the end of this age.
Isaiah 53
Though clearly Messianic in its prophetic significance, the context of this passage reveals yet another valid interpretation, namely, the nation Israel in a future fulfillment as the “suffering, servant nation.”
Isaiah’s Call and Sending
From the text of Isaiah 6, Art points out that the character of true sending waits on a vision of the Crucified Lord, and that this alone will put an end to our self-initiated acts of ministry.
Israel – A Prophetic Glimpse
A short prophetic understanding of God’s future dealing with Israel. A 2001 message.
Israel – God’s Prodigal Son
The events surrounding God’s final dealing with Israel have a remarkable correlation with Jesus’ parable of the Prodigal Son.
Israel and God’s Judgments
Speaking from Isaiah, Art shows how God’s necessary and painful dealing with His nation, Israel, should affect every aspect of church life and conduct. A 1998 message.
Israel and the Apocalypse (1 of 3)
An exhaustive overview and scriptural foundation for the future dealings of God with Israel. A 1993 message.
Israel and the Apocalypse (2 of 3)
An exhaustive overview and scriptural foundation for the future dealings of God with Israel. A 1993 message.
Israel and the Apocalypse (3 of 3)
An exhaustive overview and scriptural foundation for the future dealings of God with Israel. A 1993 message.
Israel and the Church in Psalm 102
Speaking from Psalm 102, Art examines what it means to show compassion for Israel’s fallen and destitute condition that God will bring that nation to. Another expression from the inexhaustible theme of Israel and the Church in the Last Days.
Israel and the Time of Jacob’s Distress
Art speaks of a future global crisis for the Jewish people that will eclipse all previous calamities they have suffered, and that the witness of the predominantly Gentile church at that time will be the principal means by which a remnant of Israel’s redemption is effected in the purposes of God.