Online Resources


Rebuilding the House of God

From the book of Haggai, Art shows how deep God’s concern is for His own house by sending a prophet to proclaim judgment and shaking.

Revelation 21: “The City of God”

The union of heaven and earth creating one new entity of an enduring kind.

Righteousness exalts a Nation

Art shows that the church has a moral obligation to teach their nations what righteousness is, and how dear it is in God’s sight.

RUSS-04 The Eternal Perspective

RUSS-04 Вечную перспективу
English Title: The Eternal Perspective

RUSS-05 Questions and Answers

RUSS-05 Вопросы и ответы
English Title: Questions and Answers

Sorrow and Anguish

Drawing from Psalm 102, Art maintains that we are too dry-eyed for the lost and needy because we do not share the heart of God and the sorrow He has for those He created in His own image.

Sound Doctrine vs Spiritualizing

Art challenges the error of a whole movement that had elevated the spiritualization of scripture over and above the apostolic tradition of sound biblical doctrine.

Sowing and Reaping

An indictment against the showy brashness that so characterizes ministry from the pulpit.

The Anatomy of Worship

True sacrifice is only found in a worshipful heart that recognizes and acknowledges God as God, as He essentially is.

The Apocalyptic End

Without an apocalyptic expectation of a coming Kingdom and the believer’s place in that Kindgom, we will be fixated in a much less glorious, subjective and personal salvation that is only interested in a “going to heaven.”

The Blood of the Lamb

Speaking from the Exodus account of the Passover lamb, Art draws on the eternal elements of God’s requirement of Israel at the beginning of their journey toward the Promised Land.

The Christian in Society (1 of 2)

The message of the Kingdom needs to be brought to a reluctant world that does not want to hear the mind and thinking of God. Message ends abruptly. A 1995 message.

The Christian in Society (2 of 2)

The message of the Kingdom needs to be brought to a reluctant world that does not want to hear the mind and thinking of God. Message ends abruptly. A 1995 message.

The Christian Mindset (1 of 5)

Spoken in 1984 from Acts 17, Art maintains that the church should not allow the world to go on with the understanding that the secular and the sacred are separate and legitimate distinctions, for to do so is to honor them in a lie that God never intended.

The Christian Mindset (2 of 5)

Spoken in 1984 from Acts 17, Art maintains that the church should not allow the world to go on with the understanding that the secular and the sacred are separate and legitimate distinctions, for to do so is to honor them in a lie that God never intended.

The Christian Mindset (3 of 5)

Spoken in 1984 from Acts 17, Art maintains that the church should not allow the world to go on with the understanding that the secular and the sacred are separate and legitimate distinctions, for to do so is to honor them in a lie that God never intended.

The Christian Mindset (4 of 5)

Spoken in 1984 from Acts 17, Art maintains that the church should not allow the world to go on with the understanding that the secular and the sacred are separate and legitimate distinctions, for to do so is to honor them in a lie that God never intended.

The Christian Mindset (5 of 5)

Spoken in 1984 from Acts 17, Art maintains that the church should not allow the world to go on with the understanding that the secular and the sacred are separate and legitimate distinctions, for to do so is to honor them in a lie that God never intended.

The Context of the Coming Kingdom

We either have an urgent expectancy of a coming, literal Kingdom on earth or we are in one way or another establishing our own little kingdom.

The Eternal Gospel

Art examines the framework and original intention of the gospel, much of which has been lost, and needs therefore to be restored.