Israel and the Church
The Gospel & Interfaith Dialogue
Challenging the accepted and popular assumptions that there are three great “faiths”, Art insists on the absoluteness of the gospel of Christ as the basis for true faith in the one true God.
The Gospel to the Jew First
Speaking from Romans 1:16, Art maintains there is a divine wisdom and priority to take the gospel to the Jew first before it is taken to the Gentile.
The Holocaust (1 of 4)
In this examination of that ultimate tragedy, the issue of God as God is brought courageously to the forefront of our modern consideration.
The Holocaust (2 of 4)
In this examination of that ultimate tragedy, the issue of God as God is brought courageously to the forefront of our modern consideration.
The Holocaust (3 of 4)
In this examination of that ultimate tragedy, the issue of God as God is brought courageously to the forefront of our modern consideration.
The Holocaust (4 of 4)
In this examination of that ultimate tragedy, the issue of God as God is brought courageously to the forefront of our modern consideration.
The Holocaust and Christian Conscience
This message relates the Holocaust to the historical rejection of God. A vital and challenging message for the Jewish people as well as the Church.
The Holocaust and the Knowledge of God
Art seeks to answer why mankind has a deep aversion to knowing God, and why mankind has a preference to seek a substitute for God, even a religious substitute, whom he likes to call “God”. A 1995 message.
The Holocaust as God’s Judgment (1 of 2)
Art asserts that if we fail to examine the root cause of the Holocaust from a biblical point of view, we assure ourselves of being victims of yet future Holocausts. A different speaking to the K-301 to K-303 series. A 1995 message.
The Holocaust as God’s Judgment (2 of 2)
Art asserts that if we fail to examine the root cause of the Holocaust from a biblical point of view, we assure ourselves of being victims of yet future Holocausts. A different speaking to the K-301 to K-303 series. A 1995 message.
The Holocaust as Judgment (1 of 3)
Art maintains that God reveals Himself in His judgments, and offers a suggestion for an interpretation of Jewish catastrophe as a witness to Jews prior to and including a final time of calamity destined for that people.
The Holocaust as Judgment (2 of 3)
An overview of the covenant relationship that God entered into with Israel at Mt. Sinai. Art points out that the covenant obligations are still binding: obedience bringing blessing and life, and disobedience bringing curse and judgment.
The Holocaust as Judgment (3 of 3)
Speaking from Isaiah 35, Art paints a scenario of Jews in flight “through the wilderness of the nations” in a yet future time of distress in order to bring that nation back to Himself and to the Land.
The Holocaust in Historical Perspective
The first disposition of man is to look for explanations to tragedy in the natural. Since mankind is at enmity with God, he will therefore not seek explanation from God. A 1995 message.
The Holocaust in Jewish Consciousness
With sin-consciousness virtually absent from mankind’s consideration, Art shows that God’s judgment of sin is performed to reveal to us what sin is. A 1995 message.
The Knowledge of God
The true knowledge of God is everything, and God is known primarily in His covenant relationship to Israel and His acts toward her.
The Least of These My Brethren (1 of 2)
In the light of a global rise in anti-Semitism, Art challenges the church to examine the depth of its identification with the Jew.
The Least of These My Brethren (2 of 2)
Part 2 of K-314. A 2004 message.
The Mercy of Conversion
Insights into the nature of conversion both for individuals and for a the nation, Israel. Art examines the mercy of God in this process. Some thoughts on the prophetic ministry towards the end. A 1994 message.
The Mutuality of Suffering
Speaking from Isaiah 52 & 53, Art shows how Israel’s future suffering has a redemptive value both for herself and the nations.