Online Resources

Character and Life

The Making of an Apostle

An insight into the apostle Paul’s life as is recorded in the first chapter of Galatians.

The Meaning of Morality

An examination of the word “moral” in the light of contemporary society.

The Melchizedek Priesthood (1 of 2)

Art surveys the high calling of every believer, the ultimate privilege of both receiving and giving the essence of God’s own being.

The Melchizedek Priesthood (2 of 2)

Art surveys the high calling of every believer, the ultimate privilege of both receiving and giving the essence of God’s own being.

The Mercy of God in Repentance

Art maintains that the overwhelming number of believers have a much more phraseological Christianity than they know rather than an experiential union with God. A foundational word on true repentance.

The Mystery of Incarnation (1 of 9)

An insightful examination of the apparent contradiction between God being both God and man, both deity and humanity, in the same person. What therefore are the implications for all of mankind? A classic series spoken in 2005.

The Mystery of Incarnation (2 of 9)

An insightful examination of the apparent contradiction between God being both God and man, both deity and humanity, in the same person. What therefore are the implications for all of mankind? A classic series spoken in 2005.

The Mystery of Incarnation (3 of 9)

An insightful examination of the apparent contradiction between God being both God and man, both deity and humanity, in the same person. What therefore are the implications for all of mankind? A classic series spoken in 2005.

The Mystery of Incarnation (4 of 9)

An insightful examination of the apparent contradiction between God being both God and man, both deity and humanity, in the same person. What therefore are the implications for all of mankind? A classic series spoken in 2005.

The Mystery of Incarnation (5 of 9)

An insightful examination of the apparent contradiction between God being both God and man, both deity and humanity, in the same person. What therefore are the implications for all of mankind? A classic series spoken in 2005.

The Mystery of Incarnation (6 of 9)

An insightful examination of the apparent contradiction between God being both God and man, both deity and humanity, in the same person. What therefore are the implications for all of mankind? A classic series spoken in 2005.

The Mystery of Incarnation (7 of 9)

An insightful examination of the apparent contradiction between God being both God and man, both deity and humanity, in the same person. What therefore are the implications for all of mankind? A classic series spoken in 2005.

The Mystery of Incarnation (8 of 9)

An insightful examination of the apparent contradiction between God being both God and man, both deity and humanity, in the same person. What therefore are the implications for all of mankind? A classic series spoken in 2005.

The Mystery of Incarnation (9 of 9)

An insightful examination of the apparent contradiction between God being both God and man, both deity and humanity, in the same person. What therefore are the implications for all of mankind? A classic series spoken in 2005.

The Potter

This message portrays with inescapable clarity that process by which alone God can form the clay of our humanity into true royalty.

The Pursuit of Wisdom

From the life of Daniel, Art examines where this servant-prophet obtained his wisdom, and why it could be recognized by a pagan civilization.

The Rich Young Ruler and the Blind Beggar

Art examines the contrast of these two individuals in their ability to recognize Jesus. The blind see and the rich go empty away. Art brings the significance of this episode into an endtimes scenario. Definitely an all-time epochal message.

The Schiavo Case – A Conflict of Life

A resurrection message in which Art sets forth the unique difference between the resurrection life of God in comparison with the human, natural, and religious (and lesser) equivalent. A 2005 message.

The Sense of God

Does our speaking and preaching convey the majesty, sense and awe of God? A call to something more than “correctness” in our Christian faith.

The Servant of Servants

Drawing on the sons of Noah, Art delineates some of the characteristics of these three sons. A message of an emancipating kind, particularly for the black church. A call to servanthood – the essence of what God is in Himself.