Character and Life
That they may be One…
When we come to the same quality and character of relationship as is shown forth in the Godhead, then we will have obtained the unity of the Body.
The Anatomy of Adultery
Art maintains that the evil of adultery pertains as much to adulterers as it does to adulteration: the admixture or watering down of things that are holy. We are not just corrupted but become corruptors.
The Anatomy of Sin (1 of 2)
It is pointless to talk about the Last Days, prophecy, Israel, etc unless we have made peace in our hearts with the issues of sin and judgment.
The Anatomy of Sin (2 of 2)
It is pointless to talk about the Last Days, prophecy, Israel, etc unless we have made peace in our hearts with the issues of sin and judgment.
The Battle for Life (1 of 2)
The An in-depth understanding of the phenomenon of anointing as the communication and imparting of the life of God.
The Battle for Life (2 of 2)
An in-depth understanding of the phenomenon of anointing as the communication and imparting of the life of God.
The Believer’s Relationship to the Law
An examination of why any attempt by man in his own effort to bring righteousness into his life is a contradiction of what Jesus died for, thus nullifying the grace of God. Message has a communion prayer in the middle.
The Compassion of God
The issue of mercy, not as an exertion of the moment, but what we are through and through is the thing that God is after in the Church.
The Cost of Discipleship
A radically searching commentary on Acts 16 in which Art speaks on the Spirit-led life from episodes in the life of Paul the Apostle.
The Cross in Psalm 51
King David leaves for us a statement of the most profound repentance ever expressed in Scripture
The Eternal Perspective (1 of 2)
Speaking from the book of Hebrews, Art emphasizes that believers are characterized by a future hope that has implications for their lifestyles in the present. A 1994 message.
The Eternal Perspective (2 of 2)
Speaking from the book of Hebrews, Art emphasizes that believers are characterized by a future hope that has implications for their lifestyles in the present. A 1994 message.
The Holiness of God (1 of 2)
Maintaining that God’s holiness values itself above one’s own consideration and is therefore self-sacrificing, Art exhorts believers toward maintaining a jealousy for this holiness, as it will affect our every decision.
The Holiness of God (2 of 2)
Maintaining that God’s holiness values itself above one’s own consideration and is therefore self-sacrificing, Art exhorts believers toward maintaining a jealousy for this holiness, as it will affect our every decision.
The Inadequacy of Ethics
The failure of principles and rules.
The Law and the Commandments
We have not understood the absoluteness of the moral requirements of God.
The Law of God (1 of 2)
Speaking from Psalm 119, Art asks how we can reconcile David’s love for the Law and the commandments with all that we understand as constituting legalism. Could David’s celebration of the Law actually be the gateway for expansive freedom and a deeper knowledge of God?
The Law of God (2 of 2)
Speaking from Psalm 119, Art asks how we can reconcile David’s love for the Law and the commandments with all that we understand as constituting legalism. Could David’s celebration of the Law actually be the gateway for expansive freedom and a deeper knowledge of God?
The Life and the Law
Art explores the basis for our relationship with God: regulations and requiring laws, or, in the light God’s mercy, to prove what the perfect, acceptable will of God is in any given moment.
The Love of God
A brief study of the love of God as was revealed in the life of Jesus as well as the lives of the apostles – by the same Spirit.