Prophetic Communication
Art maintains that it is to the office of prophet and apostle, the foundational offices, that God entrusts the communication of His purposes to His church.
Sent from God
From Isaiah 6, Art shows that the prophetic word of judgment upon Israel still holds, and can only be alleviated by another prophetic word out of the mouths of those who have passed through Isaiah’s own seeing.
The Antiochal Church
The paradigm of apostolicity! An exploration of Acts 13 as the prototype of the church that “sends.”
The Apostolic Church
Another concentrated statement that examines the constitutive elements of the church as it was at the first.
The Apostolic Heart
Speaking out of an episode in the life of Paul, Art gives a glimpse into the apostolic mindset, pattern and glory at the heart of which is the cross of suffering.
The Conflict of Two Wisdoms (1 of 2)
There are only two essential mind-sets or value systems in the world – God’s and that displayed by the powers of the air.
The Conflict of Two Wisdoms (2 of 2)
There are only two essential mind-sets or value systems in the world – God’s and that displayed by the powers of the air.
The Core of Prophetic and Apostolic Reality
Another expression of this theme that tries to capture the heart and meaning of those two great biblical words and their corresponding reality
The Cosmic Setting
The faith is set in the context of a cosmic perspective, presently so lacking in the understanding of contemporary church life.
The Eternal Purpose of the Church
Restores eternity at last to its place in the consciousness of the Church. Essential!
The Making of an Apostle
An insight into the apostle Paul’s life as is recorded in the first chapter of Galatians.
The Powers of the Air (1 of 2)
Speaking from Ephesians chapter 3, Art gives an understanding of the Church’s role toward the unseen world of the principalities and powers. An early expression of this theme given in 1986.
The Powers of the Air (2 of 2)
Speaking from Ephesians chapter 3, Art gives an understanding of the Church’s role toward the unseen world of the principalities and powers. An early expression of this theme given in 1986.
True Apostolicity (1 of 4)
A younger Art Katz speaking a series of four messages on the meaning and spirit of the hard-to-define word “apostolic”, but a reality that God seeks to obtain in His people. Some background buzz.
True Apostolicity (2 of 4)
A younger Art Katz speaking a series of four messages on the meaning and spirit of the hard-to-define word “apostolic”, but a reality that God seeks to obtain in His people. Some background buzz.
True Apostolicity (3 of 4)
A younger Art Katz speaking a series of four messages on the meaning and spirit of the hard-to-define word “apostolic”, but a reality that God seeks to obtain in His people. Some background buzz.
True Apostolicity (4 of 4)
A younger Art Katz speaking a series of four messages on the meaning and spirit of the hard-to-define word “apostolic”, but a reality that God seeks to obtain in His people. Some background buzz.
True Foundations
Art defines the essential hallmarks of how to discern the true foundation from the false.
What is Apostolic?
Another superb expression of a limitless theme in which Art seeks to identify some of the key aspects of this most holy word.
Who shall go for Us?
Similar to K-361, Art outlines the conditions whereby God is released to utter His call that He may send a people into the earth for His Name.