Apostolic Vision (3 of 4)
Spoken in 1993, a powerful arrow to the heart of the church’s lethargy toward God. The third message is on Apostolic Conversion, a transcription of which is on the website.
Apostolic Vision (4 of 4)
Spoken in 1993, a powerful arrow to the heart of the church’s lethargy toward God. The third message is on Apostolic Conversion, a transcription of which is on the website.
Beyond Messianic Judaism
Spoken at a Messianic congregation, Art presents a view of the faith that eclipses what is labeled “Messianic,” namely, an apostolic faith.
Conversion of Paul
This message presents the conversion of as the pattern for any true union with God.
Defining Apostolic Sending (1 of 2)
From the encounter of Moses at the Burning Bush, Art seeks to examine the roots of authentic character before one can become a sent disciple. A 1993 message.
Defining Apostolic Sending (2 of 2)
From the encounter of Moses at the Burning Bush, Art seeks to examine the roots of authentic character before one can become a sent disciple. A 1993 message.
FREN-12 Fondements Apostoliques – Confrontation
English Title: Apostolic Foundations – Confrontation
FREN-13 Fondements Apostoliques – L’éternité
English Title: Apostolic Foundations – Eternity
FREN-14 Fondements Apostoliques – Église dans les Desseins de Dieu
English Title: Apostolic Foundations – Church in the Purposes of God
FREN-15 Fondements Apostoliques – Les Pouvoirs des Ténèbres
English Title: Apostolic Foundations – The Powers of Darkness
FREN-16 Fondements Apostoliques – Caractère Sacré
English Title: Apostolic Foundations – Holy Character
FREN-17 Fondements Apostoliques – Melquisedec Sacerdotes
English Title: Apostolic Foundations – The Melchizedek Priesthood
FREN-18 Fondements Apostoliques – La Vraie Prédication
English Title: Apostolic Foundations – True Preaching
GER-13 Apostolischen Glauben und Weihe
English Title: Apostolic Faith and Consecration
Isaiah’s Call and Sending
From the text of Isaiah 6, Art points out that the character of true sending waits on a vision of the Crucified Lord, and that this alone will put an end to our self-initiated acts of ministry.
NOR-01 En Autentisk Apostel
English Title: A True Apostle
NOR-02 Mysterium Israel og Kirken
English Title: The Mystery of Israel and the Church
Paul – Man of the Spirit
From an episode in the life of the apostle Paul, Art shows what being led by the Spirit means in an obedient servant of God. A 1977 message.
Paul: The New Covenant Man
A model of the end-time believer, complete in God, prepared for any contingency.
Paul’s Apostleship
Examining the distinctive character of the apostle Paul, Art shows the corollary between Paul’s apostolic calling and Israel’s yet future apostolic calling to the nations as a nation.