Articles by Theme
Articles by Art Katz available online and in PDF download format.
The Baptism of the Holy Spirit in a Last Days’ Context
Our prayer is a little better than polite, but still not the gushing or ‘groaning that cannot be uttered’ that accompanied the intercessions of earlier Pentecostal generations whose crisis of need was evidently greater.
The Chosen People: Chosen for What?
As Jews, one thing that makes us recoil is being called “chosen.” It is something like the involuntary shudder that comes with the screech of chalk on a blackboard. After all, what has being chosen ever meant to us but trouble?
The Church’s Mandate to their Nation
An edited version of a transcribed message by Art Katz, given to a Messianic congregation in Tel Aviv, Israel in March 2002. The church in every nation has an obligation to represent something of God to the nation itself, to bring a particular perspective to the nation’s consciousness, which for the lack of a […]
The Church’s Identification with Israel
I want to quote some Jewish sources to give a sense of the heightened awareness in the Jewish community of imponderables, of things happening now that are almost beyond their grasp, triggered by this unexpected outbreak of hostilities in Lebanon (2006). I am reading from a Jewish publication called The Forward. One of the principal […]
The Consequences of Failing to Know God
I am, as I am sure you are, heavy-hearted over the recent assassination of Israel’s head of state, Prime Minister Yitzkak Rabin. As tragic enough as it is itself, it seems to foreshadow something of a most solemn kind for Israel’s troubled future. That is, in the justification found for it, “in God,” by an […]
The Context of Humility in the Cosmic Purposes of God
In his book entitled, Humility, Andrew Murray calls humility “the only root from which the graces can grow.” In other words, there is no growth in grace and no receiving of anything from God without this ultimate and essential requirement. The scripture that supports this is: “He gives grace to the humble, but resists the […]
The cost of showing mercy
It cost God much to pour out and reveal His mercy, namely, the death of His Son in the most excruciating agony. What will it cost us to show the same? Is mercy still mercy if it comes without cost? Religious politeness we can perform. If mercy does not come at cost to the person […]
The Davidic Kingdom
God gives great honor to King David in using his name as being emblematic of the kingdom that is God’s forever. What is the Davidic kingdom? What is the essence and the character of David that God would want to employ that name to designate that kingdom? Are we Davidic saints now?
The Fire of God’s Judgment
A powerful cry of God to sound the trumpet call of repentance in the light of His soon coming judgment with a fire that cannot be quenched.
The Garden of Eden: The Corollary Between Israel and Adam and Eve
Archeologists, as well as many Bible commentators, suggest that present-day Israel might well encompass the original Garden of Eden. Whether or not this is so, there are certain factors that suggest a remarkable corollary between the expulsion from the Garden and the present untenable situation of the modern state.
The Gifts of the Spirit
In 2 Chronicles 20:1-30, the prophet Jehaziel is moved by the Spirit to prophesy (v.14-17). In this incisive event in the history of Judah, we catch a glimpse of the utter, life-saving consequences of the gifts of the Spirit.
The Gospel in its Cosmic Setting
When you hear the word gospel, you need to think in terms of a cosmic overview of God’s supreme wisdom of a redemptive kind for the whole of mankind. The gospel is more than a little truncated formula. Paul speaks of “my Gospel.” There is a sense of affectionate, personal devotion to the great message […]
The Heart of David
How significant can be a single episode in the life of a man. It was so for David at the height of Saul’s’ relentless pursuit of his life as recorded in I Samuel 24. It is not only historical, but typical as it represents two antibodies symbolized and summed up in both David and Saul.
The Holy of Holies
Where then does the prophet (or apostle) get his perspective? What is the basis by which he sees? How does he have his sense of things that puts him in such opposition and contradiction to the world?
The Joy of the Lord
We are living in an hour where the word joy is being cheapened and made to stand for something that God never intended. Its meaning has been reduced to some kind of emotional and giddy experience, rather than a life-giving provision of God to keep us from the deceptions and perils of the last days.
The Lord’s Coming in the Clouds
Without in any way questioning the literalness of this eschatological glory, I suspect, as is often the case, that it contains an allegorical and spiritual meaning as well perhaps a necessary principle pertaining to the coming of any revelation of the Lord in fullness: namely, a ‘coming’ or revelation of the Lord that must, somehow of necessity, be preceded or accompanied by ‘clouds.’
The Ministerial Mystique
One of the greatest dangers facing anyone in ministry for the Lord, be it a worship leader, a pastor, a missionary, a Sunday school teacher, is that an unconscious affectation can creep in unnoticed. It is where a person takes on a style or role that they have adopted for themselves over a course of time.
The Mystery of Marriage
INTRODUCTION For this cause a man shall leave his father and mother, and shall cleave to his wife; and the two shall become one flesh. This mystery is great; but I am speaking with reference to Christ and the church. Nevertheless let each individual among you also love his own wife even as himself; and […]
The Mystery of the Wisdom of God
Paul is now going to reveal the mystery for which reason all things were created. This mystery has nothing to do with anything that we can recognize as being valid or relevant for the church. It has not even to do with the world or the benefits that men in the world will receive.
The Mystery of Zion – Gleanings from Psalm 87
His foundation is in the holy mountains. The Lord loves the gates of Zion more than all the other dwelling places of Jacob. Glorious things are spoken of you, O city of God” (Ps. 87:1-3). If He loves the gates of Zion, what ought our attitude to be? If we have difficulties in identifying what […]