Israel and the Church
The Lord’s Coming in the Clouds
Without in any way questioning the literalness of this eschatological glory, I suspect, as is often the case, that it contains an allegorical and spiritual meaning as well perhaps a necessary principle pertaining to the coming of any revelation of the Lord in fullness: namely, a ‘coming’ or revelation of the Lord that must, somehow of necessity, be preceded or accompanied by ‘clouds.’
The Nations in Relation to God
We are all familiar with the Scripture, “The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof, and the nations and those that dwell therein.” We have quoted this Scripture many times, but we have not really believed it, and have therefore allowed the nations to indulge themselves in their independence as if they have no obligation to God.
The Necessary Death and Resurrection of Israel
As with the prophetic “son of man” of this dread and glorious chapter, so also are we, the “prophetic” people of God, required to be set down in the midst of a valley full of dry bones.
The New Anti-Semitism
We all know that anti-Semitism is increasing in remarkable leaps and bounds. The Jews call it the new anti-Semitism. What makes it new, ironically, is that there is a reviving of the allusions to Jews requiring Gentile children’s blood in order to mix in with their matzo and other ceremonial things. This is an unbelievable, […]
Thinking the Unthinkable: Anticipating the Dreaded and Undesired
What can reasonably be expected from a “God of Providence” in the view of His people is shattered when ultimate catastrophe breaks.
True Repentance for the German and the Jew
Instead of seeking relief from the guilt of the Holocaust in some kind of self-serving way, we need to be reminded that God recognizes only one kind of repentance for all people and for all ages, the fruit of which can be known in how we respond to the Jew in our midst.
Understanding Israel’s Dilemma (2000)
The violence and fury unleashed by Ariel Sharon’s escorted tour of the Temple Mount has astonished Israel and the world. At this writing, nearly a month after, it has not abated. For the first time in Israel’s history the violence spilled out into the streets between civilian Arabs and Jews within Israel’s own borders in the cities of Jaffa, Haifa, Nazareth and Tel Aviv.
What ought we to be about in God in the Last Days?
There must be a cleaving to the prophetic word appropriate to the Last Days’ purposes of God. At its heart is Israel’s final redemption as obtained through a Church, alerted and prepared through such a word, for its own self-transfiguring and essential part in that restoration.
Who Really Killed Jesus?
So horrendous has been the cost to the Jewish community of the cry, ‘Christ-killer,’ that any references of the crucifixion of Jesus are shunned with horror. Now with the advent of Mel Gibson’s film, The Passion of the Christ, Jewish fears are again being stirred coming as it is in a season of heightened anti-Semitism throughout the world.